Print Your Turkey Targets This Spring

By Nathan Davis –

14 April 2023 –

I will be honest, in a day in age when everything is available to us online, I personally don’t know how there is still a market for paper targets at the local gun store. The price of them these days is rather mind blowing at that. What, in the past, would have cost mere cents to grab at the cash register on your way out of the store can now cost up to $5 per target if for some reason you want to shoot at a picture of a zombie that splatters. 

The Case for Printing Turkey Targets

I think a lot of the hunting community has jumped on board with targets that you can print at home but the one exception to this seems to be turkey targets. Having the detail required to ensure a proper load and choke combination is important, and seeing as the majority of hunters probably will never reach Monet status, is also something that a sharpie and some old cardboard can’t quite match. 

Turkey targets, if you haven’t thought about it, really are their own beast. Unlike your standard MOA target that you can shoot at multiple times with multiple calibers if you wish, a turkey target is a one time use. If you have never patterned a turkey gun there is a ton of content online regarding how to do that, but the gist of it is that you will shoot at a paper target with a variety of different loads, perhaps different choke setups, and at different ranges. At a one shot per target ratio you can see how one could burn through targets pretty quick, and given the price of turkey shells these days that could mean nearly an additional box of ammo. 

What do you use?

To my surprise, after running some polls on our social media accounts this week, a lot more people are still buying targets from the store than I thought. 30% of respondents stated that they still do buy their targets, with making your own targets taking a commanding lead at 45%. 

I do find it interesting that so many still do pay for paper targets given that I see the same community also complaining about the rising cost of ammunition here in Canada. Do yourself a favor, print your own.

Target Printing Tips

Now before we actually show you some places to get your own targets we have some tips that you should keep in mind.

i. Print in black and white. Everyone with a printer knows the pain of buying ink cartridges. Don’t let that burden you, before you print, make sure to select ‘black and white’ or ‘greyscale’ before you hit the print button. That will save you in the long run especially if you’re going to be printing in bulk. 

ii. Print at Staples. Not everyone has a printer at home. The easy way to fix that is to take a store bought one or a digital file to your local Staples and have them photocopy or print you some. While more money than printing at home it is still a heck of a lot cheaper than buying them. 

iii. Print different targets. Not every shot needs to be taken at a turkey. Print different types of targets to help you pattern your scattergun. If you are just trying to get on paper don’t waste your turkey targets, find the center of your spread and then move to the fancy stuff. 

iii. Watch the size. All of the targets that we have suggested below are to be printed on 8.5”x11”. Make sure when printing a target that it doesn’t recommend a different size otherwise your results may be skewed. 

Find a Printable Target Now

The simplest of requirements for any sort of shooting is something to actually shoot at. There is a large variety of printable targets available on the web. Below are some of our favourites. 

Mossy Oak – CLICK HERE

These in our mind are the best options for you. Simply sign up and they will show up in your inbox to be easily saved for next time you need them. These targets provide the most detail between all of our suggestions as well as an area for notes. You will be sent 3 different targets; one in colour, one in black and white, and one with an orange bullseye. Just pick what one you want and print!

Missouri Department of Conservation – CLICK HERE

This is an excellent target outlining the skeletal structure of the bird as well as an area to take notes on distance, shell, choke, etc. It also outlines the process of patterning a turkey gun for anyone that is newer to the process. 

Michigan Department of Natural Resources – CLICK HERE

This target is super simple and gets the job done. Requiring the least amount of ink of all the options we have outlined, this may be the best option for you. 

Crooked Bend – CLICK HERE

This target provides an even mix of all the features you would want on a turkey target. No need to actually add it to your cart, simply click the .pdf link above.

Be an Economical Hunter

In this day and age costs are at an all time high not just for hunting but in everyday life. Why spend the money on a turkey target if you don’t need to and even better, why not print some extra and give them out to your buddies. The companies selling paper targets at the store are making way too much money for you to be losing one here, and letting one get soaking wet there. Spend the money you save on some extra ammo and get more reps in that way. 

And I mean sure, the printed target at home doesn’t change colours when the bullet passes through it but why spend money here when the price of ammo is at an all time high.

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